Devilmen swim the waters to the west of Lycos. These creatures have been a source of
trouble for centuries. The Kedane and West navies have hunted/battled them in recent
years. There are no known lands to the west. An elvish ship has come from the west
on occasion. The last time the ship showed up was 996.
The northern isle (of the Lycos chain) is home to numerous humanoid tribes. These
tribes are mostly orcs and goblins, but have been led by Gnolls in the past. Other
humanoid creatures, such as Ogres and Hill giants, are also known to be present.
The southern isle (of the Lycos chain) is home to goblins. Goblins overran the towns
several centuries ago and have not moved out since. Kedane has made several
attempts to defeat them, but these attempts have not worked out.
Past the northern isle lies the small island of Els and the town of Elsburg. This
town is home to many unsavory characters. The town is fiercely independent and denies
docking to all recognized navies. The town is a source of Allenwood which is used
to make strong furniture.
Uncivilized peoples live to the northeast. These people live in tribes. The known
tribes are John's People, Realm of Ice and Cold Reach. The Realm of Ice tribe is
known for conducting raids for slaves and treasure. The Cold Reach tribe hunts
whales and trades whale oil and ivory.
To the east lies the island chain of Hydyr. Several of cities in this island chain
trade with West. Those cities are Hydyr (mineral ore), Morgantown (mineral ore),
Red Sea City (food and wine), Pegolin (mineral ore) and Baku (exotic wood). These
cities are all city states similar to West. The Hydyr island chain is larger than the
Lycos chain. The Dwarven mines of Matakar and Katakar can be found on two of the
islands. The waters are not always safe as pirates are known to ply the waters.
Farther to the east, the Mithril isle is home to the Dwarven mine of Dabbor. This mine
is known for working a vein of mithril. Adamantite is also rumored to exist in the
mine but the Dwarves deny this rumor. The cities of Glasson and Chirile are the large
human settlements on the island. They trade with West providing mineral ore and
wood products for food and manufactured goods.
The Isle of Wizards lies to the east of Hydyr. Not much is known about this island or
even if it is a single island. The large land mass of Contopia lies farther to the
east. It is home to many strange beasts and fantastical kingdoms. You have never met
anyone from this area although many sailors claim to have witnessed many sites. The
more grog, the more sites.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Rumors/Legends/Hearsay - Growfest - 1002
Weather has been hot early this summer. Afternoon storms have been frequent coming in from
the west.
1. Several farmers from Mid have been victims of bandits. The evil-doers flee toward
Logsaw after they strike.
2. The Ruby Parrot (statue adorned with gems) is on display in the Trades. This work
of art has been created by Bennet the Jeweler.
3. Many farms around Corn have been raided by Goblins. The goblins have been taking
the farmers north to work in the mines.
4. Viscount Edward of Edgewater has caught the largest fish in Log lake. The monster
weighed in at over 200 pounds.
5. The Prince has placed a 500 crown reward on the head of Yellowhawk, the infamous
pirate. The West navy is searching for him and his band of cutthroats.
6. Barge accident in Upton. Several dock workers were killed when a barge went out of
control and crashed into the piers at Upton. The captain of the barge could not be found
after the accident.
7. Several fishing boats from Far Sted have been attacked by pirates in the last
several weeks. Most fisherman are staying close to shore as a result.
8. A new vein of iron has been discovered in the mines outside of Ironhead.
9. The Beelin Emerald has been stolen. Gnomes from Beelin are suspected since they
claimed the gem originally. A reward is being offered for the recovery of the gem.
10. Roulin, Captain of Overton watch, has been killed. His body was found near the Martin
Woods near Overton. Giant Wasps have been seen in that area and may have killed the man.
11. A riot broke out at Fishmonger road and Trade road when hobbit merchants refused to
yield the road to the wagons of Master Smith. They should really know their place by
12. A thief has been caught trying to slip across the South Slew bridge. The bastard
is being help in the keep.
13. Jordin, Wavy Blue Captain, is seeking marines for a journey to the north. Standard
pay (1 crown per month).
14. Viscount Thomas of Corn was wounded in combat with an Ogre. The monster was slain
and Thomas should live.
15. The Red Herring sighted a large whale off the coast, but could not harpoon it. The
captain was trying for the 5000 crown bounty for bringing in a large whale.
16. A shipment of wine from Vinhom has arrived. Bottles of this excellent vintage are
selling in the Old Merchant for 5 crowns.
17. Representatives of the Freeton Black Council have been turned away by the Prince.
They claim to have a treaty with the devil men, but the Prince will not listen to such
empty talk.
18. Ingmar the Rugmaker has a flying carpet for sale. The price is 15,000 crowns. Seems
expensive for a curiousity item.
the west.
1. Several farmers from Mid have been victims of bandits. The evil-doers flee toward
Logsaw after they strike.
2. The Ruby Parrot (statue adorned with gems) is on display in the Trades. This work
of art has been created by Bennet the Jeweler.
3. Many farms around Corn have been raided by Goblins. The goblins have been taking
the farmers north to work in the mines.
4. Viscount Edward of Edgewater has caught the largest fish in Log lake. The monster
weighed in at over 200 pounds.
5. The Prince has placed a 500 crown reward on the head of Yellowhawk, the infamous
pirate. The West navy is searching for him and his band of cutthroats.
6. Barge accident in Upton. Several dock workers were killed when a barge went out of
control and crashed into the piers at Upton. The captain of the barge could not be found
after the accident.
7. Several fishing boats from Far Sted have been attacked by pirates in the last
several weeks. Most fisherman are staying close to shore as a result.
8. A new vein of iron has been discovered in the mines outside of Ironhead.
9. The Beelin Emerald has been stolen. Gnomes from Beelin are suspected since they
claimed the gem originally. A reward is being offered for the recovery of the gem.
10. Roulin, Captain of Overton watch, has been killed. His body was found near the Martin
Woods near Overton. Giant Wasps have been seen in that area and may have killed the man.
11. A riot broke out at Fishmonger road and Trade road when hobbit merchants refused to
yield the road to the wagons of Master Smith. They should really know their place by
12. A thief has been caught trying to slip across the South Slew bridge. The bastard
is being help in the keep.
13. Jordin, Wavy Blue Captain, is seeking marines for a journey to the north. Standard
pay (1 crown per month).
14. Viscount Thomas of Corn was wounded in combat with an Ogre. The monster was slain
and Thomas should live.
15. The Red Herring sighted a large whale off the coast, but could not harpoon it. The
captain was trying for the 5000 crown bounty for bringing in a large whale.
16. A shipment of wine from Vinhom has arrived. Bottles of this excellent vintage are
selling in the Old Merchant for 5 crowns.
17. Representatives of the Freeton Black Council have been turned away by the Prince.
They claim to have a treaty with the devil men, but the Prince will not listen to such
empty talk.
18. Ingmar the Rugmaker has a flying carpet for sale. The price is 15,000 crowns. Seems
expensive for a curiousity item.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Lycos Calendar
Month 1: Hearth
28 Days, Avg High 55, Avg Low 40,
Precip: Rain, Snow (mtn only)
Month 2: Readying
28 Days, Avg High 63, Avg Low 45,
Precip: Some Rain, snow (mtn only)
Month 3: Coldbreak
28 Days, Avg High 68, Avg Low 48,
Precip: Some Rain, snow (mtn only)
Festival of Growfest
(New Years Feast on 1st, Feast of Atroa on 4th,
Foolsday on 7th)
7 Days
Month 4: Planting
28 Days, Avg High 70, Avg Low 55, Precip: Rain
Month 5: Flocking
28 Days, Avg High 72, Avg Low 62, Precip: Rain
Month 6: Welsun
28 Days, Avg High 75, Avg Low 65, Precip: Some Rain
Festival of Richfest
(Sealord's Feast on 1st, Midsummer festival on 4th,
Feast of Sotillon on 7th)
7 Days
Month 7: Reaping
28 Days, Avg High 85, Avg Low 70, Precip: Not much rain
Month 8: Goodmonth
28 Days, Avg High 78, Avg Low 67, Precip: Little rain
Month 9: Harvester
28 Days, Avg High 70, Avg Low 60, Precip: Little rain
Festival of Brewfest (Feast of Wenta on 4th)
7 Days
Month 10: Patches
28 Days, Avg High 65, Avg Low 58, Precip: Little rain
Month 11: Treating
28 Days, Avg High 62, Avg Low 53, Precip: Some rain
Month 12: Sundown
28 Days, Avg High 58, Avg Low 47,
Precip: Rain, snow (mtn only)
Festival of Feast of Telchur
(Mummer on 1st and Feast of Unreason on 7th)
7 Days
The moon is called Celene. The sun is called Helio.
The moon rises in the early evening after the sun has set. The moon
sets in late morning, just before the sun rises. Sunrise and Sunset
varies by the month, with longer days during the summer and shorter
days in the winter.
New moon on 4th, mid moon on 20th, full moon on 25th of each month.
The days of the week are:
Celene Day
Trade Day
Wed Day
Market Day
Helio Day
Urth Day
Gods Day
Generally, Gods Day is a non-work day with shops and such closed.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Deities of the Area
The humans of Lycos worship many deities. It is rare for a commoner to revere only a single
deity. Generally, a commoner will make offerings to whichever deity the commoner
feels will aid him or her in whatever task they are performing.
Common deities will have shrines along the roads and in most villages and towns. A common
deity will have a temple in a city if appropriate. Uncommon deities will not have a
temple at all, but will have shrines in some locations. Rare deities will have neither
temples or shrines. Many of the rare deities are evil in nature and worship of them is
banned. They may have a temple or shrine in secret somewhere depending on the nature of
the deity.
The adventuring class is indicated after the deities area of influence if it is favored by
that class. This is by no means a requirement.
Common Deities
Allitur -LG- Ethics
Atroa -NG- Spring, East
Beory -N- Urth, Nature, Rain (druids)
Berei -NG- Home, Family, Agriculture
Bleredd -CN- Smithing, Metal, Mining
Ehlonna -NG- Forest, Flowers, Meadows (rangers)
Fharlanghn -N- Travel, Distance (adventurers)
Geshtai -N- Lakes, Rivers
Heironeous -LG- Honor, Justice, Valor (Paladins, fighters)
Kord -CG- Athletics, Brawling (fighters)
Llerg -CN- Strength (fighters)
Lydia -NG- Music, Knowledge, Daylight (spell casters)
Obad-Hai -N- Nature, Freedom, Hunting (rangers, druids)
Pelor -NG- Sun, Strength, Light, Healing (fighters)
Phaulkon -CG- Air, Winds, Clouds
Pholtus -LG- Light, Law, Resolution (paladins)
Phyton -CG- Beauty, Nature (druids)
Procan -CN- Ocean, Seas
St. Cuthbert -LG- Wisdom, Dedication, Zeal (fighters)
Sotillon -CG- Summer, South, Ease
Telcher -CN- North, Winter, Cold
Trithereon -CG- Liberty, Retribution, Individuality (rangers, rogues)
Velnuis -N- Sky, Weather
Wenta -CG- Autumn, West, Harvest
Zilchas -LN- Money, Business, Power, Influence (rogues)
Uncommon Deities
Bralm -N- Industriousness
Delleb -LG- Reason, Intellect (spell casters)
Fortubo -LG- Stone, Metals, Mountains
Lirr -CG- Poetry, Prose, Art
Myhiss -NG- Beauty, Love
Norebo -CN- Luck, Gambling, Risk (rogues)
Olidammara -CN- Music, Revelry, Wine (bards)
Rao -LG- Peace, Reason
Ulaa -LG- Hills, Mountains, Gemstones (rangers)
Xan Yae -N- Twilight, Stealth, Mind over Matter (monks)
Xerbo -N- Sea, Water Travel, Money, Business (rogues)
Zodal -NG- Mercy, Hope
Rare Deities
Beltar -CE- Malice, Caves
Boccob -N- Magic, Knowledge (spell casters)
Celestian -N- Wanderers, Space, Stars (adventurers)
Cyndor -LN- Time
Erythnul -CE- Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic
Hextor -LE- War, Discord, Massacre (fighters)
Incabulos -NE- Plagues, Nightmares
Istus -N- Fate (rogues)
Joramy -N- Fire, Volcanos, Anger
Kurell -CN- Jealousy, Revenge, Thievery (rogues)
Lendor -LN- Time
Nerull -NE- Death, Darkness, Underworld
Pyremius -NE- Fire, Poison
Ralishaz -CN- Chance, Mis-fortune (rogues)
Raxivort -CE- Rats
Syrul -NE- Deceit, Lies
Wee Jas -LN- Magic, Death (spell casters)
deity. Generally, a commoner will make offerings to whichever deity the commoner
feels will aid him or her in whatever task they are performing.
Common deities will have shrines along the roads and in most villages and towns. A common
deity will have a temple in a city if appropriate. Uncommon deities will not have a
temple at all, but will have shrines in some locations. Rare deities will have neither
temples or shrines. Many of the rare deities are evil in nature and worship of them is
banned. They may have a temple or shrine in secret somewhere depending on the nature of
the deity.
The adventuring class is indicated after the deities area of influence if it is favored by
that class. This is by no means a requirement.
Common Deities
Allitur -LG- Ethics
Atroa -NG- Spring, East
Beory -N- Urth, Nature, Rain (druids)
Berei -NG- Home, Family, Agriculture
Bleredd -CN- Smithing, Metal, Mining
Ehlonna -NG- Forest, Flowers, Meadows (rangers)
Fharlanghn -N- Travel, Distance (adventurers)
Geshtai -N- Lakes, Rivers
Heironeous -LG- Honor, Justice, Valor (Paladins, fighters)
Kord -CG- Athletics, Brawling (fighters)
Llerg -CN- Strength (fighters)
Lydia -NG- Music, Knowledge, Daylight (spell casters)
Obad-Hai -N- Nature, Freedom, Hunting (rangers, druids)
Pelor -NG- Sun, Strength, Light, Healing (fighters)
Phaulkon -CG- Air, Winds, Clouds
Pholtus -LG- Light, Law, Resolution (paladins)
Phyton -CG- Beauty, Nature (druids)
Procan -CN- Ocean, Seas
St. Cuthbert -LG- Wisdom, Dedication, Zeal (fighters)
Sotillon -CG- Summer, South, Ease
Telcher -CN- North, Winter, Cold
Trithereon -CG- Liberty, Retribution, Individuality (rangers, rogues)
Velnuis -N- Sky, Weather
Wenta -CG- Autumn, West, Harvest
Zilchas -LN- Money, Business, Power, Influence (rogues)
Uncommon Deities
Bralm -N- Industriousness
Delleb -LG- Reason, Intellect (spell casters)
Fortubo -LG- Stone, Metals, Mountains
Lirr -CG- Poetry, Prose, Art
Myhiss -NG- Beauty, Love
Norebo -CN- Luck, Gambling, Risk (rogues)
Olidammara -CN- Music, Revelry, Wine (bards)
Rao -LG- Peace, Reason
Ulaa -LG- Hills, Mountains, Gemstones (rangers)
Xan Yae -N- Twilight, Stealth, Mind over Matter (monks)
Xerbo -N- Sea, Water Travel, Money, Business (rogues)
Zodal -NG- Mercy, Hope
Rare Deities
Beltar -CE- Malice, Caves
Boccob -N- Magic, Knowledge (spell casters)
Celestian -N- Wanderers, Space, Stars (adventurers)
Cyndor -LN- Time
Erythnul -CE- Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic
Hextor -LE- War, Discord, Massacre (fighters)
Incabulos -NE- Plagues, Nightmares
Istus -N- Fate (rogues)
Joramy -N- Fire, Volcanos, Anger
Kurell -CN- Jealousy, Revenge, Thievery (rogues)
Lendor -LN- Time
Nerull -NE- Death, Darkness, Underworld
Pyremius -NE- Fire, Poison
Ralishaz -CN- Chance, Mis-fortune (rogues)
Raxivort -CE- Rats
Syrul -NE- Deceit, Lies
Wee Jas -LN- Magic, Death (spell casters)
Legend - The Melted
The large landmass to the east is called Contopia. Centuries ago, a kingdom called Evernor existed. The kingdom was situated amid a mountain range along the coast of central Contopia. Evernor was known as a beacon of light and was ruled by Paladin-Kings. The knighthood of the kingdom traveled the lands righting wrongs and defeating evil beings.
A cabal of black hearted leaders formed to oppose Evernor. The leader of the cabal was Frederick the Black, a man of vile reputation. Frederick was the despot of a kingdom in the south of Contopia. Frederick raised a great army of desert men and sand fiends. He led the army north.
To the north, the three-headed witch raised a great army of orcs and hobgoblins. She led that army south. The plan to smash Evernor between the two armies.
War raged for years as Evernor was well defended and the defenders of stout heart. But in the end, a breech was opened in the northern passes and orcs flooded into the interior of Evernor. Many valiant knights perished stopping the flood and sealing the breech. The end of Evernor appeared to be on the horizon. The war turned and the battles started going for Evernor. Frederick the Black was slain in combat by the Paladin-King. His forces scattered to the winds.
This allowed the Paladin-King to marshal her forces and defeat the humanoid armies from the north. The Three-headed witch escaped, swearing revenge.
Apparently, revenge she had. The mountain passes seemed to melt, the stone flowing over the battlements and sealing the gates. Stone flowed over the fields and into the towns. The leaders of Evernor were powerless to stop the flowing stone. The kingdom was reduced to an arid landscape of rock. The Paladin-King was turned to stone as were most of the Knight-Generals. Orcs returned and feasted on the populace.
Today, the area is a maze of abandoned ruins populated by undead creatures and horrific statues.
A cabal of black hearted leaders formed to oppose Evernor. The leader of the cabal was Frederick the Black, a man of vile reputation. Frederick was the despot of a kingdom in the south of Contopia. Frederick raised a great army of desert men and sand fiends. He led the army north.
To the north, the three-headed witch raised a great army of orcs and hobgoblins. She led that army south. The plan to smash Evernor between the two armies.
War raged for years as Evernor was well defended and the defenders of stout heart. But in the end, a breech was opened in the northern passes and orcs flooded into the interior of Evernor. Many valiant knights perished stopping the flood and sealing the breech. The end of Evernor appeared to be on the horizon. The war turned and the battles started going for Evernor. Frederick the Black was slain in combat by the Paladin-King. His forces scattered to the winds.
This allowed the Paladin-King to marshal her forces and defeat the humanoid armies from the north. The Three-headed witch escaped, swearing revenge.
Apparently, revenge she had. The mountain passes seemed to melt, the stone flowing over the battlements and sealing the gates. Stone flowed over the fields and into the towns. The leaders of Evernor were powerless to stop the flowing stone. The kingdom was reduced to an arid landscape of rock. The Paladin-King was turned to stone as were most of the Knight-Generals. Orcs returned and feasted on the populace.
Today, the area is a maze of abandoned ruins populated by undead creatures and horrific statues.
Legend - Island Tunnels
Both the Lycos and Hydyr island chains have volcanos. The Lycos volcano is part of the Kedane Mountains and has not erupted in known history. Hydyr has several volcanos that are active. This means that the islands have many caves and other underground areas, such as lava tubes.
The underdark is not well known nor well explored. Fearsome creatures have been encountered. This has led to speculation that the underground passages may be extensive since these beasts must have a food supply. An organized race of elves, but with dark skin, seems to have a realm of some sort in the underground. Again, not much is known about the dark elves or their realm. If the elves are to be believed, their realm extends under the ocean between the Lycos and Hydyr island chains. The distance is hundreds of miles, so the likelihood of this story being true is slim.
All that being said, reports of Hydyr items showing up for sale in some underground grotto persist.
Known entrances to this underground area are located in the Kedane Mountains near Ice Lake as well as near the center of the Blue Mountains. Again, rumors speculate that there are other entrances. These rumors are based on dark elf sightings and other incursions of strange monsters.
The underdark is not well known nor well explored. Fearsome creatures have been encountered. This has led to speculation that the underground passages may be extensive since these beasts must have a food supply. An organized race of elves, but with dark skin, seems to have a realm of some sort in the underground. Again, not much is known about the dark elves or their realm. If the elves are to be believed, their realm extends under the ocean between the Lycos and Hydyr island chains. The distance is hundreds of miles, so the likelihood of this story being true is slim.
All that being said, reports of Hydyr items showing up for sale in some underground grotto persist.
Known entrances to this underground area are located in the Kedane Mountains near Ice Lake as well as near the center of the Blue Mountains. Again, rumors speculate that there are other entrances. These rumors are based on dark elf sightings and other incursions of strange monsters.
Legend - Turgon
Turgon the Virtuous was a king of Kedane several centuries ago. Turgon grew up in West. Nothing is known about his parents. He received fighter training at the Pikatol academy in West. After graduating, he started his career as a simple soldier in the Kedane army. He rose through the ranks and was soon commanding the armies as the Gnoll incursion was finally repulsed.
When John the Wizard disappeared, Turgon was the unanimous choice to ascend to the throne. Turgon proved to be a popular king and united the island under his rule. He started and completed many public works projects.
Turgon journeyed to the Token Island and banished the Black Blemish, rumored to be a Balrog. During this process, the Token Island sank and Turgon was forever changed. Instead of a man, Turgon had taken the form of a centaur. Turgon continued to rule Kedane, but the battle on the Token Island had taken it's toll. Turgon grew moody and was prone to violent outbursts.
Turgon founded a settlement on the northern island in the Lycos chain. He christened it Turgon's City and moved the capital of Kedane to this new settlement. The northern island is infested with a variety of humanoid tribes. They attacked the city frequently and the Kingdom of Kedane was constantly in a state of war.
Turgon's mental state continued to deteriorate. It was discovered by the court astrologer that Archibald the Lich was influencing Turgon using some vile magic. Turgon flew into a rage at the news. He gathered his trusted companions and set sail to the Isle of Panos. The Isle of Panos is the rumored home of Archibald. Turgon and his companions were never heard from again.
Several weeks after the ill-fated ship left, a black cloud formed over Turgon's city. It began to rain. Several days later, several severe earthquakes rocked the city, destroying many buildings. The rain stopped, but then fire rained from the sky and what was not destroyed by the earthquake was burned in the fire. Turgon's city was abandoned and remains a ruin to this day.
When John the Wizard disappeared, Turgon was the unanimous choice to ascend to the throne. Turgon proved to be a popular king and united the island under his rule. He started and completed many public works projects.
Turgon journeyed to the Token Island and banished the Black Blemish, rumored to be a Balrog. During this process, the Token Island sank and Turgon was forever changed. Instead of a man, Turgon had taken the form of a centaur. Turgon continued to rule Kedane, but the battle on the Token Island had taken it's toll. Turgon grew moody and was prone to violent outbursts.
Turgon founded a settlement on the northern island in the Lycos chain. He christened it Turgon's City and moved the capital of Kedane to this new settlement. The northern island is infested with a variety of humanoid tribes. They attacked the city frequently and the Kingdom of Kedane was constantly in a state of war.
Turgon's mental state continued to deteriorate. It was discovered by the court astrologer that Archibald the Lich was influencing Turgon using some vile magic. Turgon flew into a rage at the news. He gathered his trusted companions and set sail to the Isle of Panos. The Isle of Panos is the rumored home of Archibald. Turgon and his companions were never heard from again.
Several weeks after the ill-fated ship left, a black cloud formed over Turgon's city. It began to rain. Several days later, several severe earthquakes rocked the city, destroying many buildings. The rain stopped, but then fire rained from the sky and what was not destroyed by the earthquake was burned in the fire. Turgon's city was abandoned and remains a ruin to this day.
Environs around West
The city-state of West sits at the mouth of the Red river, which empties into Cardinal Bay.
The towns of Cod, Far Sted and South fish the bay near the city-state.
The North Plains (to the north of West) contain fertile fields and many farms. The town
of Corn is the center of activity in this area. Along the coast to the west lie the
Ore Hills. There are several towns here that conduct mining, mostly iron ore. Several
Gnomish settlements can be found within the hills.
To the east lie the Black Hills and the town of Edgewater. The town sits on Log Lake. Logs
are added to Log Lake from the Martin Wood, which lies to the northeast of the lake. Past
the wood, the center of the island is divded by the Blue Mountains, the Peaks of
Turgon and the Kedane Mountains.
To the south, inland from the towns of Far Sted and South are the Rounded Hills. The
town of Logsaw is found nestled in the hills. People from Logsaw add logs to the
Red River to float them down to the city-state.
The towns of Cod, Far Sted and South fish the bay near the city-state.
The North Plains (to the north of West) contain fertile fields and many farms. The town
of Corn is the center of activity in this area. Along the coast to the west lie the
Ore Hills. There are several towns here that conduct mining, mostly iron ore. Several
Gnomish settlements can be found within the hills.
To the east lie the Black Hills and the town of Edgewater. The town sits on Log Lake. Logs
are added to Log Lake from the Martin Wood, which lies to the northeast of the lake. Past
the wood, the center of the island is divded by the Blue Mountains, the Peaks of
Turgon and the Kedane Mountains.
To the south, inland from the towns of Far Sted and South are the Rounded Hills. The
town of Logsaw is found nestled in the hills. People from Logsaw add logs to the
Red River to float them down to the city-state.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Description of West
One of the oldest cities on the isle of Lycos. West has been a human settlement for
many years, pre-dating the foundation of the Kedane Kingdom. Over the course of the
last thousand years, the city has served as the capital of the kingdom as well as being
sacked by raiding goblin armies.
The city is nestled at the end of a naturally protected bay and is gifted with a deep
harbor. One of the few rivers on the island flows into the bay through the city.
The city is walled, although the population has exceeded the confines of the walls
quite a while ago. There are seven sections to the city, some completely outside the
walls. The sections are government, crafts, foreign, old merchant, trades, school,
and south. The crafts, foreign, trades and south sections exist outside of the city
walls. The population of West is between 17,000 and 24,000. In the past, the
population has been over 30,000.
There are five major routes of trade that led into or from West. The southern road
carries manufactured goods south and foodstuffs into the city. The Red River carries
ore to the city and supplies upriver for the mines. The northern road leads to the
town of Corn and surrounding villages. Foodstuffs travel into the city and
processed goods flow north. The coast road leads to the town of Cod and other
coastal villages. Foodstuffs flow into the city and goods flow from the city.
The harbor holds ships from many locations. Several of the towns in the island chain
of Hydyr to the east as well as the Dwarven kingdoms Katakar and Matakar. Ships from
the Kingdom of Kedane can be found here as well. On rare occasions, a ship from the
far east land of Contopia will make port or an Elven ship will be in port. These
events are rare.
The lands around West are very fertile. This has led to excellent farming around the
city. The city receives mineral resources from the mines up the Red River as well as
from Kedane and the Hydyr cities. The major export is foodstuffs and leathergoods.
The city has been the home to the Phinca School for several hundred years. The school
specializes in enchantment magic although most other types of magic can also be studied
The city is ruled by Prince Fabion. The prince is selected to rule the city by a vote
of the magistrates. Each section of the city has a magistrate, sort of like a mayor.
The magistrates are responsible for all of the activites in their section of the city,
this includes collecting taxes and supporting the court system. Prince Fabion has
been the ruler of the city for the past 23 years. His father was the Prince before
Fabion was elected. It is unusual for a son to succeed the father in the
The city is well patroled and the citizens feel safe in all sections except the south.
The city gates are closed at dusk and then open in the morning. The roads are patroled
frequently. The city is divided into two distinct classes, citizens and non-citizens.
Citizens have the right to own property and they can represent themselves in court. A
citizen must sponsor someone in order for them to become a citizen.
many years, pre-dating the foundation of the Kedane Kingdom. Over the course of the
last thousand years, the city has served as the capital of the kingdom as well as being
sacked by raiding goblin armies.
The city is nestled at the end of a naturally protected bay and is gifted with a deep
harbor. One of the few rivers on the island flows into the bay through the city.
The city is walled, although the population has exceeded the confines of the walls
quite a while ago. There are seven sections to the city, some completely outside the
walls. The sections are government, crafts, foreign, old merchant, trades, school,
and south. The crafts, foreign, trades and south sections exist outside of the city
walls. The population of West is between 17,000 and 24,000. In the past, the
population has been over 30,000.
There are five major routes of trade that led into or from West. The southern road
carries manufactured goods south and foodstuffs into the city. The Red River carries
ore to the city and supplies upriver for the mines. The northern road leads to the
town of Corn and surrounding villages. Foodstuffs travel into the city and
processed goods flow north. The coast road leads to the town of Cod and other
coastal villages. Foodstuffs flow into the city and goods flow from the city.
The harbor holds ships from many locations. Several of the towns in the island chain
of Hydyr to the east as well as the Dwarven kingdoms Katakar and Matakar. Ships from
the Kingdom of Kedane can be found here as well. On rare occasions, a ship from the
far east land of Contopia will make port or an Elven ship will be in port. These
events are rare.
The lands around West are very fertile. This has led to excellent farming around the
city. The city receives mineral resources from the mines up the Red River as well as
from Kedane and the Hydyr cities. The major export is foodstuffs and leathergoods.
The city has been the home to the Phinca School for several hundred years. The school
specializes in enchantment magic although most other types of magic can also be studied
The city is ruled by Prince Fabion. The prince is selected to rule the city by a vote
of the magistrates. Each section of the city has a magistrate, sort of like a mayor.
The magistrates are responsible for all of the activites in their section of the city,
this includes collecting taxes and supporting the court system. Prince Fabion has
been the ruler of the city for the past 23 years. His father was the Prince before
Fabion was elected. It is unusual for a son to succeed the father in the
The city is well patroled and the citizens feel safe in all sections except the south.
The city gates are closed at dusk and then open in the morning. The roads are patroled
frequently. The city is divided into two distinct classes, citizens and non-citizens.
Citizens have the right to own property and they can represent themselves in court. A
citizen must sponsor someone in order for them to become a citizen.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Kingdom of Kedane
The history of the Lycos Isle is basically the history of the Kingdom of Kedane. The Kedane Kingdom has been ruling the Lycos Isles for over a thousand years. The Kingdom has had moments of shining brilliance and periods of despair. There have been four dynasties and one long period of unsettled rulership.
Kingdom founded, year 0. Founded by Theodore Kedane, called Kedane the First. Capital established as the city of Kedane. Odd location as the harbor is not the best, nearby fields are not the best.
Kedane Dynasty
King Kedane I 0 - 156
King Kedane II 156 - 167
King Kedane III 167 - 175
Helman Dynasty
Rallins I 175 - 200
Theodore 200 - 216
Rallins II 216 - 277
Rallins III 277 - 302 Called the Weak
Unsettled Years
John the Wizard 302 - 502 Disappeared and never returned
Turgon the Virtuous 502 - 559 Called the Mad
Capital moved to Turgon City
Turgon City destroyed by Vecna
Onhill Dynasty
Allison I 559 - 642 Capital moved to Kedane
Barthelemew 642 - 654 Killed in combat with Green Dragon
Kedane destroyed. Capital moved to West.
Ben 654 - 688
John II 688 - 734 Killed by Goblins.
West sacked. Capital moved to Kedane.
Morgan 734 - 786 Assassinated
Rodan Dynasty
Paol I 786 - 833
Paol II 833 - 861 Killed by Goblins in Battle of Waters Edge
Kelvin I 861 - 892
Rallins IV 892 - 954
Kelvin II 954 - 977
Kelvin III 977 - present (year 1002)
The Kingdom of Kedane has a rich history of laws and the court system can be byzantine. There are numerous taxes on non-citizens as well as trade goods. The kingdom has been in existence for quite a while and the bureaucracy to run the kingdom can be considered excessive. This fact ensures that the kingdom is slow to change or respond to external forces.
Kingdom founded, year 0. Founded by Theodore Kedane, called Kedane the First. Capital established as the city of Kedane. Odd location as the harbor is not the best, nearby fields are not the best.
Kedane Dynasty
King Kedane I 0 - 156
King Kedane II 156 - 167
King Kedane III 167 - 175
Helman Dynasty
Rallins I 175 - 200
Theodore 200 - 216
Rallins II 216 - 277
Rallins III 277 - 302 Called the Weak
Unsettled Years
John the Wizard 302 - 502 Disappeared and never returned
Turgon the Virtuous 502 - 559 Called the Mad
Capital moved to Turgon City
Turgon City destroyed by Vecna
Onhill Dynasty
Allison I 559 - 642 Capital moved to Kedane
Barthelemew 642 - 654 Killed in combat with Green Dragon
Kedane destroyed. Capital moved to West.
Ben 654 - 688
John II 688 - 734 Killed by Goblins.
West sacked. Capital moved to Kedane.
Morgan 734 - 786 Assassinated
Rodan Dynasty
Paol I 786 - 833
Paol II 833 - 861 Killed by Goblins in Battle of Waters Edge
Kelvin I 861 - 892
Rallins IV 892 - 954
Kelvin II 954 - 977
Kelvin III 977 - present (year 1002)
The Kingdom of Kedane has a rich history of laws and the court system can be byzantine. There are numerous taxes on non-citizens as well as trade goods. The kingdom has been in existence for quite a while and the bureaucracy to run the kingdom can be considered excessive. This fact ensures that the kingdom is slow to change or respond to external forces.
Lycos generally refers to the larger island in a chain of islands. It also refers to the entire island chain.
The larger island is human inhabited while the other islands are home to various humaniods.
The western coast of Lycos is home to the city-state of West. Along the coast are numerous other towns and villages that align themselves with the rulership of West or attempt to remain independent. The south and east sections of Lycos are controlled by the Kingdom of Kedane. The Kingdom is ruled by King Kelvin III of the Rodan Dynasty. King Kelvin claims all of the island of Lycos but has not enforced his claim.
The city-state of West resists the old kingdom. It sits on the frontier and faces challenges from the north as well as pressures from the south. The Kingdom has a huge population advantage over the city-state. The city-state is has had crafty rulers and this has kept the Kingdom at bay.
Lycos enjoys a temperate climate with mild winters and warm summers. The major island is roughly triangle shaped with the point on the southern side. The center of the island is mountainous with the mountains running north to the sea. The western side is mostly plains and contains many farms. Quite a bit of food is grown and processed in West and the surrounding towns and villages. The east side of the island is mostly forest and hills.
The island is resource rich and uses that benefit for trade with other communities. Both West and Kedane have large harbors and host ships from many ports of call. Piracy is not common but also not a rare event. Both the city-state and the Kingdom provide naval patrols to safeguard the shipping lanes.
The surrounding islands are inhabited by humanoids and old ruins. The humanoids consist of bands of goblins, orcs and gnolls mostly. While the Kingdom of Kedane claims all of the islands, no effort has been made in recent centuries to conquer the humanoid lands.
The larger island is human inhabited while the other islands are home to various humaniods.
The western coast of Lycos is home to the city-state of West. Along the coast are numerous other towns and villages that align themselves with the rulership of West or attempt to remain independent. The south and east sections of Lycos are controlled by the Kingdom of Kedane. The Kingdom is ruled by King Kelvin III of the Rodan Dynasty. King Kelvin claims all of the island of Lycos but has not enforced his claim.
The city-state of West resists the old kingdom. It sits on the frontier and faces challenges from the north as well as pressures from the south. The Kingdom has a huge population advantage over the city-state. The city-state is has had crafty rulers and this has kept the Kingdom at bay.
Lycos enjoys a temperate climate with mild winters and warm summers. The major island is roughly triangle shaped with the point on the southern side. The center of the island is mountainous with the mountains running north to the sea. The western side is mostly plains and contains many farms. Quite a bit of food is grown and processed in West and the surrounding towns and villages. The east side of the island is mostly forest and hills.
The island is resource rich and uses that benefit for trade with other communities. Both West and Kedane have large harbors and host ships from many ports of call. Piracy is not common but also not a rare event. Both the city-state and the Kingdom provide naval patrols to safeguard the shipping lanes.
The surrounding islands are inhabited by humanoids and old ruins. The humanoids consist of bands of goblins, orcs and gnolls mostly. While the Kingdom of Kedane claims all of the islands, no effort has been made in recent centuries to conquer the humanoid lands.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
City State of West
The campaign starts in the city-state of West. The city-state is located on the Isle of Lycos in a natural bay/harbor. West is a trading city and has a thriving harbor. Overland trade with the cities and towns to the south is brisk. The citizens of West have been profiting in the recent years from increased trade but trouble seems to be brewing on the horizon.
West is a walled city with a naturally protected harbor. Population is approximately 10,000, but that count varies with the number of ships in the harbor. The city profits nicely from the trade with taxes on the goods (usually coming into the city and leaving the city). West is a city of laws and has a fairly well developed legal system. The city is well patrolled within the walls.
All manner of goods and people can be found in West. A truly cosmopolitan place. All beings are allowed access to the city and the city services so long as the local laws are obeyed. If not, then trouble with the city watch is to be expected.
West is a walled city with a naturally protected harbor. Population is approximately 10,000, but that count varies with the number of ships in the harbor. The city profits nicely from the trade with taxes on the goods (usually coming into the city and leaving the city). West is a city of laws and has a fairly well developed legal system. The city is well patrolled within the walls.
All manner of goods and people can be found in West. A truly cosmopolitan place. All beings are allowed access to the city and the city services so long as the local laws are obeyed. If not, then trouble with the city watch is to be expected.
Urth - Second Coming
This is my campaign world. The common name for the place is Urth. It is also known as the middle realm by educated folk. The middle realm sits between the higher realms and the lower pits, at times called Hell.
Urth is approximately 25,000 miles in circumference. This knowledge is extremely limited as most people do not travel much beyond the horizon.
Urth is approximately 25,000 miles in circumference. This knowledge is extremely limited as most people do not travel much beyond the horizon.
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