The campaign starts in the city-state of West. The city-state is located on the Isle of Lycos in a natural bay/harbor. West is a trading city and has a thriving harbor. Overland trade with the cities and towns to the south is brisk. The citizens of West have been profiting in the recent years from increased trade but trouble seems to be brewing on the horizon.
West is a walled city with a naturally protected harbor. Population is approximately 10,000, but that count varies with the number of ships in the harbor. The city profits nicely from the trade with taxes on the goods (usually coming into the city and leaving the city). West is a city of laws and has a fairly well developed legal system. The city is well patrolled within the walls.
All manner of goods and people can be found in West. A truly cosmopolitan place. All beings are allowed access to the city and the city services so long as the local laws are obeyed. If not, then trouble with the city watch is to be expected.
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