Thursday, June 28, 2012

Turgon the Mad Interesting Items

Turgon the Mad had numerous items or at least there are rumors of many items that he possessed.
It is known that he had a bastard sword and a bow.  He was a collector of fine tapestries.  Most
of these were lost in the fall of Turgon's city.


Bastard Sword, called Honor,
Enchanted Long Bow,
Beacon of Hope (enchanted lantern),
Horseshoes of Speed,
Saddlebags of Holding,
Enchanted Ring,
Mithril shirt,
Enchanted Breastplate.

The sword was (possibly still is) possessed by a spirit of some kind.  The sword is capable of
speaking several languages and could warn Turgon of dangers.

The long bow was enchanted to never miss (according to rumor).  Turgon was an excellent archer
and competed in many tournaments.

The Beacon of Hope was a lantern that revealed hidden items and intentions within its glow.  Turgon
often used it at court.

The ring apparently allowed Turgon to set his opponents on fire somehow.  It either shot out flames
or created a bright ray of light that lit items on fire.

The breastplate caused enemies to lose heart against Turgon.

These are all rumors as Turgon has been dead for centuries and most of his items were lost during
the fall of Turgon's city and resulting chaos.

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