Rumors/Legends/Hearsay - Mid Planting - 1002
Highs in the 75 - 80 range with lows around 55. Afternoon storms have been frequent coming in from
the west.
1. Mercenaries hired by Logan Middlebrook killed on the road. Surviving merchant claims that the
bandits are led by a slime demon!
2. Mystical archway rebuilt on tip of Lycos isle. Unknown who did this or why.
3. Yellowbeard attacks merchant ship just off the coast from West!
4. The hurricane in the north appears stationary. Very odd behavior.
5. Group of Ogres decimate patrol from Edgewater.
6. Thunderstorms have been plaguing West. Several people have been struck by lightning bolts
and killed.
7. Devilmen driven off by West navy. Fishermen are grateful.
8. Ogres have captured Vicount Edward of Edgewater! His fate is unknown at this time.
9. Dead fish and smelly bubbles have been encountered on Log Lake. This is a portent to
the end of civilization.
10. Count Phillip hailed as hero for driving the giant wasps out of the woods.
11. Vicount Mark from Mid fights bandits on the Southern Road. He drives them into the
Round Hills.
12. Fishing boat from Cod attacked by Giant Squid. Boat and fishermen were eaten!
13. Magister Stedman expelled from Phinca's (school of magic). All spell casters are to
avoid him under penalty of banishment.
14. Healing potions are available from Witch Jessika in the South quarter. 175 gold each.
15. Count Theobald the Bald is in West to ask the Prince for aid. He needs help
guarding iron shipments from Iron Head in the South. Prince Anton from Harris has refused to
16. Lorca's is closed! The store used to sell inks and parchment for scrolls.
17. Several merchant ships just off Green Hills Isle have disappeared. Reward for discovering
their fate.
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